General FAQ


What are some of the rewards I can expect from participating with Forge?

Progressing your season pass will have multiple incentives. The higher your badge level, the more perks you unlock. This includes bonus rewards pass XP, more entries into our giveaways, exclusive entries into higher tier giveaways, and more!

In addition to our season pass, Forge will be hosting community events and contests on Discord. Stay tuned!

What is the season pass?

Earn XP to level up your Forge season pass simply by playing games on your connected accounts or by completing Forge quests.

Different rewards will be unlocked as you progress and level up your Season Pass. See XP requirements for leveling up your Season Pass here:

What is the weekly bonus?

In addition to completing quests to level up your season pass, the XP you earn will also add up to the weekly bonus meter. Weekly rewards reset every Monday at 5am PT / 12pm UTC. Once you have reached the limit of XP needed for the weekly rewards, you can claim your reward at the end of the week and have the opportunity to win various prizes.

I see wallet connections, what’s all this web3 stuff about?

We are working with high quality games of all kinds, including some games that include blockchain technology and some that do not. Check our blog post to learn more about our philosophy for game curation.

What is the Forge Day 0 badge?

The Forge Day 0 badge symbolizes your early commitment to the Forge community and unlocks unique perks on the Forge platform. If you didn’t get the opportunity to get one, please visit our collection on OpenSea for the chance to purchase one.

What is the utility of a Forge day 0 Badge?

Forge Day 0 Badge Utility Recap:

Fire Badge

  • Join the exclusive Badge Holders community

  • Can be burned to gain the XP to your Forge account at the end of Season (Fire Badges are deflationary as a result)

  • Holders have a 1x entry for our weekly giveaway on Discord

Cold Fire Badge

  • Join the exclusive Badge Holders community

  • Does not need to be burned, XP will be added to your Forge account at the end of Season. Can used again for next Season

  • Holders have 3x entries for our weekly giveaway on Discord

We may add additional utility to either badges, stay tuned.

For our Beta season, you have 16 weeks to finish the quests and level up you profile. Each week you have a chance to win a prize like additional XPs, gift cards and/or gaming hardware, etc.

How do I get the Forgers role in Discord?

Forgers is the role exlcusive to our Day 0 Badge holders. If you hold a Forge Day 0 Badge and want to get the role, all you need to do is connect your ETH wallet and Discord account to your account and join the Forge Discord server. It might take a couple of hours to register, but you'll get it in no time.

How else can I get involved in the Forge community?


Why is my Ethereum quest not marked as complete?

For Ethereum games, make sure the game is on our list of supported Ethereum games

How do I unlock additional quests?

Visit your Settings page and Accounts page and make sure you’ve connected your accounts to receive quests for those accounts.

Why aren't my X / Twitter quests registering?

X / Twitter quests can take up to 24 hours to complete, since the data collection only happens once every day (thanks Elon).


Game Partner

I am a developer, how do I get on the platform?

Learn more about the Forge API and working with Forge at

Still need help?

  • Discord

    • Once you've joined our Discord, visit the #open-ticket channel to get support

Last updated